Our animal welfare approach

New Zealand is the perfect environment to raise the finest beef and lamb, with animals free to roam as nature intended. It's important to us that each and every one of them are treated with care and respect, living happy and healthy lives.

Animal welfare in New Zealand is governed by national standards. ANZCO is also a member of the New Zealand Farm Assurance Programme, an industry collaboration to create a single standard for New Zealand farmers around integrity, traceability, bio-security, sustainability and animal welfare.


Our animal welfare committee

ANZCO’s animal welfare committee ensures that we always operate at the highest level of care.

Our committee:

  • Oversees our animal welfare policies and procedures.
  • Develops further animal welfare strategies, foresight and risk management procedures.
  • Reviews all relevant requirements on a regular basis.
  • Ensures an ongoing aspirational approach for animal welfare at ANZCO.
Download our Animal Welfare policy

Animal welfare partnerships

We work proactively with everyone involved in our supply chain to implement and maintain high animal welfare standards. This includes farmers, transport operators, livestock agents, the Ministry for Primary Industries, Beef + Lamb NZ, Dairy NZ, the New Zealand Meat Industry Association and our customers.

We ensure trained and certified animal welfare officers are in place at all our slaughtering sites. This, and all other steps along our supply chain are monitored closely to identify and address any issues that might arise.